The party place\n The party place\n \n \n \n Amstrad CPC and SAM Coupé\n \n \n \n \n \n Raster\n Jookie\n \n Wotnau, party speaker\n Forever (Magnificent) Seven\n \n \n \n \n Building floppy towers\n Tower of ZX team\n Tower of Atari team\n Blind Commando compo\n Blind Commando compo\n \n SAM Coupé\n Ellvis/ZeroTeam\n SIO2IDE v4\n SAM Coupé close view\n SAM Coupé from profile\n Tetris for MultiJoy (Atari)\n \n Castle Crisis (Atari)\n Party Schedule\n \n CreaMD/DMAgic\n Gasman\n \n Bohdan\n -Xi-\n Raster, -Xi-\n \n \n Vote sheet\n Party logo on big screen\n Just before mains compos\n \n Interface for 2 additional joysticks for C64\n Tanks 3000 - game for 4 players on C64\n Visac, Sad, LHS playing Tanks 3000\n Realtime (Magnificent) compo entry\n The party place\n ZX msx compo\n C64 graphics\n C64 graphics\n Atari graphics\n Atari graphics\n Atari winning graphics\n Atari graphics\n ZX graphics\n ZX graphics\n ZX graphics\n ZX winning graphics\n Atari intro\n Atari intro\n Atari intro\n Atari intro\n Pinokio\n \n Atari demo\n ZX demo\n The smallest demo platform - 8051\n The smallest demo platform - 8051\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Party organizers\n \n \n \n \n \n \n The Castle of Trencin\n