kRadD, tWh and Liviu\n \n \n \n Atariada\n Large ad board with Atariada sign\n SoulStar running on Jaguar\n SoulStar\n \n Zdeněk Burian and Petr Joy Stehlík\n \n \n \n Happy Bohdan with his new BT100 - one dot printer\n Slacha and TomSoft\n \n Fandal's XE\n Atari 8bit workshop\n tWh with XEGS\n Rael Time Text machine\n \n \n EPROM \n Bob!k\n \n \n \n \n Bohdan\n \n Official opening\n \n What will you have?\n PG talks about ASMA\n \n \n \n tWh and kRadD introduce portal Weltanschauung\n \n \n Radek Raster Sterba and Jiri BeWeSoft Bernasek\n Falcon workshop\n \n \n SCSI Ethernet interface Dayana\n \n Petr Joy Stehlik and ARAnyM\n \n \n Atari Falcon030 with powerpad\n Atari in Desktopper case\n New network game from Raster\n Atari related publication for sale\n \n \n Atari 7800\n \n QuickShot RobotArm\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Happy winner of gaming contest\n Atariada closure\n \n \n \n Let's afterparty begin!\n \n \n \n \n \n How Atarians eat\n \n How Atarians sleep\n \n \n Atari or Linux?\n \n \n Dam of Plumlov\n \n